Evolve Digital

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Evolve Digital

English Type: British English 
Levels: 6
Suitable for: Adults
Suggested hours per week: 1-3
Authors: David Baker, Kenna Bourke, Lindsay Clandfield, Ben Goldstein, Leslie Anne Hendra, Mark Ibbotson, Ceri Jones, Philip Kerr, Kathryn O’Dell, Chris Speck

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Evolve Digital is a flexible online course that combines independent learning with synchronous, teacher-led lessons to get students speaking with confidence.

Expectations around online language courses have evolved rapidly in recent years. Our insights-led approach to content development has helped us create a course that meets the changing needs in language schools and higher education institutions.

  • ‘Real teacher’ content helps guide and motivate
    students through their independent learning.
    Studying online can sometimes feel very lonely,
    so we’ve included videos at the start and
    end of each unit, and lots of friendly support
  • Timely, relevant and helpful feedback is key to
    keeping students motivated. Feedback needs to
    go beyond marking answers right and wrong, so
    we’ve incorporated regular feedback that also
    explains the answers.
  • Students consider their ability to speak as
    evidence of their progress in English, regardless
    of where and how they’re studying. The course
    therefore makes use of the latest speech
    recognition technology, building students’
    confidence to interact in real-world scenarios.
  • Evolve Digital keeps students motivated
    with plenty of variety in language input
    and practice activities, making the most of
    multimedia, including lots of video, from drama
    and documentaries to people-on-the-street
    videos, and much more. This helps to sustain
    engagement and get the very best outcomes.
  • Digital pedagogy you can trust
  • The flexible online course combines independent asynchronous learning content with synchronous, teacher-led lessons. Evolve Digital covers all four skills and provides instructions and guidance as well as practice and production opportunities.
  • Ready-made synchronous lessons and teaching notes for in-person and virtual classes are another great time-saving feature. They both minimize time spent on lesson preparation and are also flexible enough to be quickly and easily adapted to meet your specific teaching needs.
  • Unit progress tests, as well as mid-term and final tests, help both students and their teachers measure progress and success.
  • Easy administration
  • Evolve Digital is delivered through Cambridge One, which makes setting up classes and monitoring students straightforward and intuitive.
  • Much of the course is auto-marked and teachers can easily track the progress of individual students, or see the performance of the whole class at a glance.
  • For productive speaking and writing tasks that are submitted to the teacher, giving a score and feedback is simple and can be done just as easily on a smartphone as on a laptop or desktop computer.

Digital resources

Online Video

Online Audio

Online Tests

Online Teacher’s
Course Companion

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Evolve DigitalLevel 1Level 2Lvel 3Level 4Level 5Level 6
Student’s Course978-1-009-10148-6978-1-009-10157-8978-1-009-10168-4978-1-009-10177-6978-1-009-10186-8978-1-009-10102-8
Student’s Course Split A978-1-009-10149-3978-1-009-10158-5978-1-009-10169-1978-1-009-10178-3978-1-009-10187-5978-1-009-10103-5
Student’s Course Split B978-1-009-10150-9978-1-009-10159-2978-1-009-10170-7978-1-009-10179-0978-1-009-10188-2978-1-009-10104-2
Student Courses are an 18-month subscription from date of activation on Cambridge One.
Student Course split levels are a 9-month subscription from date of activation on Cambridge One.
For access to the Online Teacher’s Course Companion and the tests, please contact your Cambridge representative.

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Aligned to Cambridge Life Competencies Framework



David Baker, Kenna Bourke, Lindsay Clandfield, Ben Goldstein, Leslie Anne Hendra, Mark Ibbotson, Ceri Jones, Philip Kerr, Kathryn O’Dell, Chris Speck



English Type

American English, British English





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