Be Curious

Be Curious is a series with lower start and exit levels, making it ideal for children with little or no prior knowledge of English.

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Be Curious

English Type: British English and American English
Levels: 6
CEFR: Pre A1-A1
Suitable for: Primary
Suggested hours per week:  1-3 (Combo: 1-3)
Authors: Susannah Reed and Kay Bentley, Series Editor: Lesley Koustaff

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Are you ready to explore? 

Which animals are nocturnal? What’s the time around the world? Take young learners on a journey of discovery to find out the answers. As they explore world photography and video documentaries, children improve their proficiency in English and other subjects.


  • Be Curious motivates children by arousing their curiosity of the world around them and also encourages them to learn about other cultures and countries.
  • Culture and cross-curricular lessons cover fascinating topics and countries from India to Australia, carnivorous plants to robotics.
  • Real-world video documentaries give the children insights into the world around us.
  • Develops social skills and empathy through on-going project tasks in every unit. These missions put the children in the centre of their learning and make it more motivating and meaningful.
  • Life skills, including critical thinking and emotional intelligence, are an essential part of the learning journey and are based on the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework.
  • The course offers a gentle integration of skills, language, and exam-type tasks, helping children build their confidence and take the stress out of taking exams. Exam practice pages are included in both the Pupil’s Books and Activity Books, where pupils do a practice test question.
  • The Pupil’s Book now includes a 16-page Key Competencies Activity Bank, as well as project and exploratory based ideas for every unit to cover all the Competencies.
  • Formative assessment: learner and teacher facing evaluation templates with descriptors to help assess the key competencies.

Digital resources


eBook with Audio and Video


Collaboration Plus



  • Presentation Plus provides interactive versions of the Pupil’s Book and Activity
  • Book, to encourage heads-up, motivational learning either in the classroom or remotely with quick access to story animations, karaoke songs, CLIL documentaries and vlogs in level 6.
  • Test Generator and Teacher Resources provide a wealth of extra resources which are easy to find and download.

Cambridge One provides your learners access to:

  • The Pupil’s enhanced Book, with integrated audio and video.
  • Practice Extra, packed with consolidation activities for vocabulary, grammar and skills.
  • Downloadable Learner Resources, including all the class audio.
  • Collaboration Plus for level 6.

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Sample Units

Pupil’s Book

Pupil’s Book  Download

Activity Book Download

Teacher’s Book with Digital Pack

Teacher’s Book with Digital Pack Download

Scope and Sequence

Scope and Sequence Download


Guess What!Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6
Pupil's Book978-1-107-52691-4978-1-107-52790-4978-1-107-52801-7978-1-107-54535-9978-1-107-54539-7978-1-107-54550-2
Activity Book with Digital Pack978-1-107-52695-2978-1-107-52791-1978-1-107-52803-1978-1-107-54538-0978-1-107-54542-7978-1-107-54555-7
Teacher’s Book978-1-107-52827-7978-1-107-52828-4978-1-107-52831-4978-1-107-55607-2978-1-107-12320-5978-1-107-12314-4
Grammar Practice Book (Level 6) Download from
How to teach remotely with Guess What! Download free from
For access to the Teacher’s Digital Pack (with Presentation Plus, Practice Extra, Teacher’s Resource Bank and Test Generator) and Pupil’s Book eBook please contact your Cambridge representative.

Related products for Primary

Additional information

Aligned to Cambridge Life Competencies Framework



Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson with Colin Sage


Pre A1-A2

English Type

British English





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Prepares for Cambridge English Qualifications


Suitable for
